We've all heard it said you need to give your whole life to God. Some people shudder at the thought because we only get one life here on earth, and we don't know how long we'll have here. We could die tomorrow. So if you think about it each day could be the rest of our lives. We are all called to pick up our crosses and die to ourselves daily, to be servants of God. It may seem like a lot to give your whole life for an inheritance, but what if you just gave today and worried about tomorrow when it arrived. Just living life one day at a time. Giving your life one day at a time.
Sometimes we will have days where we mess up. Where we live for ourselves. But when those days happen we can't continuously beat ourselves up over it, we have to recognize our wrongs and learn from our mistakes. When the sun rises again we shall start anew.
The greatest commandment is to love the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and the second, to love your neighbor as yourself. Serving God means living for Him, and living for Him means showing love through Him. We need to try and see people as He sees them, and serve as though we truly are His hands and feet. Working to heal the broken, bring hope to the hopeless, and light to the darkness.
God gave His only Son so that by accepting Him we could gain His inheritance. Not only to enter into the kingdom of heaven from the parting of this world, but to enjoy life more abundantly through Him on earth as well. It's only our reasonable service to serve Him after accepting such an amazing and free gift. There's no conditions tied to Gods love, but His Word states if we love Him we will obey His commandments.
This life is short. Like a vapor in the wind and then it's gone. What will you choose? Where is your eternity? Will you live as if you'll never die, and when tomorrow comes and you're standing before the throne will God say depart from me for I never knew you? Or will you live for God, so that He will say enter in my good and faithful servant?
At this a lyric comes to mind, "better is one day in your quarts than thousands elsewhere". One day in heaven is like a thousand here. Could you spare but a day for your Creator, your Savior, the Lover of your soul? A day to absorb yourself in his Word, to talk to Him, to get to know Him, to serve Him. Sometimes we look at a hill and see a mountain. Sometimes we look at a day and see a lifetime. How will you spend yours?